Cadillac STS 2006-2010 Front Passenger Seat Occupancy sensor emulator bypass

Product code: Gm1
Cadillac STS

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Product information

Cadillac STS  2006-2010  Front  Passenger Seat Airbag Seat Occupancy Sensor Emulator / Bypass


   C o m p a t i b i l i t y .
MakeCadillac  USA 
Year : 2006-2010
   * A D D I T I O N A L    D E T A I L *


If  You are not sure about  compatibility  with your vehicle , 
 please use contact form or send us E-mail to


W h a t    a r e   o c c u p a n c y  s e n s o r s  ( O C S ) ?


OCS are very expensive   sensors integrated in vehicle seats . 
Inside the seat, you will find a pressure sensor, and an electronic control unit (ECU). 

When someone sits on the seat, the pressure/ occupancy  sensor signals the occupant's weight to the ECU. 

The ECU then sends that data to the airbag, which has its own control unit. 

Based on that information, the vehicle's computer turns the passenger airbag ON or OFF .


H o w   A i r b a g  3 6 0   w o r k s  ?

Airbag360 emulators connected in to harness under to passenger seat 
stimulates presence of the passenger.

For Safety reasons Airbag360 emulator generated and send the same signal to ECU as occupied seat.
In case of accident  the Airbag will deploy even without presence of Passenger 
Airbag's are permanently activated

We Advice that rear-facing child seat's not to be transported on front seat in your vehicle  when emulator is in use.

Remember  even on cars equipped with an OCS, it's always safest to keep small children in the back seat.

Installation of Airbag360 emulator do not required removal  or  and disassemble of the seat  -  NO  labour cost .          

Prior to buying Airbag360 module make sure Your car is correctly diagnosed.  
 If You are not sure about fault codes  or its description  contact us and we will check & confirm them for You.
 Airbag360 emulator will only cure / resolve fault codes that indicate passenger occupancy sensor malfunction.
 Any other & not related  codes need to be resolved separately.


I n s t a l l a t i o n 

Airbag360  modules are equipped with original connector ( exact same as the original sensor in Your vehicle )

Step 1. Turn Off ignition   - disconnecting battery is not required 
Step 2 . Under Passenger seat locate sensor connector. 
Step 3 . Instead of original sensor plug in Airba360 bypass emulator
Step 4.  Optionally  install seat belt simulator.
Step 5 . Turn ON ignition .
Step 6 .  If needed reset / erase fault codes .

 Reset / erase is standard procedure that sometimes  need to be completed   after repair and /or changes are applied to the airbag system . 

15952128, 25954278



Your Safety is Our Priority !


Technical specifications

Condition New
Product Code Gm1

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